In which a canoe is built, its progress described and photographed.

Friday, December 28, 2007

7. Choosing wood for the strips

Over Christ Mass, I've been researching the wood I will use for strips. As usual, the Wooden Boat Forum was very helpful. Based on their suggestions I came up with the following priorities.
  1. Do not use the following:
    • very heavy or weak wood
    • highly resinous wood
  2. Preferable qualities
    • Clear (or close to it)
    • Long and straight
    • Workable
    • Strength to weight ratio
  3. My needs
    • Not too expensive
    • Available in central New York state
Everyone seems to agree that Western Red Cedar fits these priorities most completely. Many other woods were suggested, but I can get WRC and it is within my budget.

The best quote I have found for WRC is $0.79 / lin. ft. or, for my project, about $90.

I hope to buy the cedar early next week. I'll either buy my dad a thin-kerf blade for his table saw, or try to use our neighbor's bandsaw (which I hear is pretty nice, with a good wide band)

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